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Gold River Sluices
17 products
Showing 1 - 17 of 17 products
Here you will find our gold sluice range to suit just about any situation.
From kids to backpacking, weekend prospecting to full blown production units we have a gold sluice box to suit your needs.
What is a Gold Sluice?
A gold or river sluice is essentially a channel with a mineral recovery medium to aid in separating light material from the more heavy target minerals. A good sluice will have a flared entry to catch and channel more water into your sluice to help move unwanted material out of the system.
We hope you enjoy our Sluice designs, we know they work and will last you and your family for years to come.
If looking at our modular sluices you will see you can upgrade and add functionality to them, from optional leg kits to header boxes which convert your river sluice to a power sluice by removing the sluice flair. You can take this modular sluice and build it up to a forward classifying highbanker by adding a header flare kit, sluice classification tray and spray bar.
Having a standalone water pump driven power sluice system means you can recirculate water or use water to process material where a river sluice may not be able to function well due to lack of flow.
If after a more basic river sluice our bare bones range will suit.
with so many in the range its a good idea to think about what features are really important to you, do you prefer light and easy to carry over a sluice that will process more volume? the backpack range i.e. bushwalker and 888 sluice is the winner here.
If you want to process volume then you really want to start at something like the 8 inch modular sluice. The only time i would go up to a 10 or 12 inch is if i had access to alot of fast flowing water and then these larger sluices really come into their own.
If you're unsure give us a call well happily talk you through the decision making process. We want to make sure you get the right unit the first time.