Research is Key ballarat Leads - Gold Mining
I Came across this publication whilst researching Ballarat leads on the Sebastopol side its such a great read if your a Ballarat local it gives away a lot of information to the success of certain leads. Its not enough to simply research the leads and where they intersect a river or waterway you need to find out what type of gold was produced, what if any host rock it was in, its profitability when mined etc. This willl increase your chance of success in Highbanking considerably.
Below you will see a map of Sebastapol where Lord Raglan lead crosses the Yarrowee river, after reading the exerts from The golden chain I now know that this lead was difficult to work and produced very little gold. I have seen the gold in this area and it is fine indeed, or as we call it in the prospecting game flies poo :)
A History of Sebastopol (Victoria, Australia)
with special reference to gold and mining
Evan D Jenkins & Arthur J Jenkins