Welcome to Gold Rat Highbanker's a 100% Australian owned small business. We manufacture every single Product right here in the golden triangle Ballarat Victoria.

Why choose a Gold Rat Highbanker?

Gold rat Highbankers are made for Australian conditions by a Prospector for prospectors. My designs are the end result of extensive testing in the field. Some highbanking units produced in Australia are simply inefficient at catching fine gold and generally very little real world experience is applied to their design.

That’s why when constructing my Highbankers I allow for personalization in the design. Talk to us about what type of gold you predominately chase and well customize your design. If you’re in nuggetty country you will definitely want to run some miners moss to catch the chunky bits. Our boxes allow you to implement as many or as few layers as you would like, we do this by providing easy customization options.


We custom build highbankers to your specifications so talk to us about your project today.

We know they work because we prospect every day its our passion....

So what is a highbanker?

A highbanker essentially is a hopper which is designed to process and classify your gold bearing material that is attached to a sluice which further removes gold and discards the tailing's. The Sluice efficiency is generally determined by the processing system with i.e. miner’s moss, ribbed carpet, riffles, expanded mesh or combination of. This material is processed through your highbanker or sluice by feeding water into the hopper or in the sluices case sometimes directly from a creek or river. Highbankers come in all sizes and makes and you need to really do your research before you decide what you should buy. I encourage you to ask lots of questions of the manufacturer as to why and how. If you ahve any queries were happy to respond.


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