Gold Rat Metal Detectors is located 6/50 Freda Street Upper Mount Gravatt. This is the only store to stock Metal Detectors. Gold Rat Engineering is located 4/16 Redcliffe Gardens Drive Clontarf This is where you will see the largest range of your highbankers, sluices and accessories


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Snake Season

Snake Season

 SNAKE   Season

Spring has sprung ….. and so have the “Joe Blakes” (SNAKES) !

Due to warmer and drier conditions forecast this year in Australia, it is anticipated that snakes may become more active.

Unfortunately, a  man  recently  died  in  Queensland  following  a  snake  bite  incident.

According to official statistics, Eastern Brown snakes are responsible for the majority of snake bite deaths in Australia. Up to 65 per cent of fatalities between 2000 and 2016 were attributed to an Eastern Brown snake, which is found across most of eastern Australia.

A total of  29 PEOPLE  DIED  from various snake bites between 2010 to 2019 in Australia.

About  THREE  THOUSAND (3,000) snake bites are reported each year in Australia.

Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) data revealed more than 800 people were bitten by snakes in Queensland each year from 2020 to 2022. In January 2023 alone, 97 people were bitten in Queensland.

Six out of 8 (three-quarters, i.e. 75%) of the fatal snake bites in Australia since January 2020 have occurred in Queensland.

A QAS spokesperson said  MOST  SNAKE  BITES  OCCUR  ON  THE  LOWER  LIMBS,  and many happen when people are trying to kill or move a snake.

An adult Coastal Taipan snake has fangs up to about 0.5 inches (12mm = 1.2cm) long. In comparison, an adult Eastern Brown snake has significantly shorter fangs of only approximately 3mm long.

A recent ABC News report included the following information about the Taipan:

"The Taipan is listed as one of the world's most dangerous and venomous snakes. Its venom works fast, attacking the heart, the blood stream and the nervous system, causing paralysis and convulsions while the patient's skin turns black."


Gold Rat sell Aussie-made gaiters (in canvas, or leather), and also snake bite first aid kits.


My tips ..... when it comes to snakes (based on my experience in the bush throughout Australia over several decades):

1.  Always wear fully-enclosed shoes (preferably leather boots), thick socks, long trousers, and also high-quality gaiters - that cover the whole of the lower legs up to the knee. The other advantage of wearing gaiters (as I know from experience) - is that my high-quality gaiters also prevent the penetration of spinifex needles from harming me. 

2.  Never run through high grass.

3.  Never immediately reach down to the ground & move objects such as sheets of iron, logs, timber, boulders etc. - without firstly assuming a snake could be concealed under/behind such objects. Use a long-handled item such as a long stick or pole (or a long-handled shovel) to initially hit-impact such an object to reveal/or rule out the presence of a snake. Also wear thick leather gloves if possible.

4.  Always carry (including when walking) appropriate/quailty First-Aid equipment, and also know  how to apply First Aid properly , and also carry a recently-tested Personal Locator Beacon (or EPIRB)


A question to consider .......

Do Minelab pulse-induction metal detectors, when operating, repel snakes or not ?

I wonder !

Interestingly, I read that scientists from two Queensland universities recently found that some  Australian snakes such as  Taipans,  brown snakes  &  death adders  can hear, as well as sense vibrations.

Have I Found a Meteorite ?

Have I Found a Meteorite ?

Have I Found a Meteorite ?

Below are some links to websites containing informative guides on how to identify a meteorite:


The Differences between a Meteorite, and an Impactite, and a Tektite
In the simplest terms –

A Meteorite is a piece of rock or metal that has fallen to the earth's surface from outer space as a meteor. Not all meteorites consist of metals. Most meteorites (about 95%) that have been recovered on Earth are of the ‘Stony’ type.

Meteorites of high density are heavier, and strongly attracted to a magnet due to the amount of Iron and Nickel they contain. Most of the largest meteorites ever recovered on the mainland of Australia are of the Iron-Nickel Type. These are one of the least common types of meteorites found (only about 4% are of the Iron-nickel type). In fact, the largest recorded meteorite found in Australia was officially discovered in 1966 and it weighed over 12-Tonnes.


A Tektite is a terrestrial molten rock fragment ejected out of the crater during a meteor impacts.

Tektites are small, black blobs that might pass for hardened bits of asphalt but they are actually glassy stones. They commonly take on distinctive regular shapes like teardrops, jelly-beans, dumbbells, and interesting flanged buttons that look like the tops of large rivets with the stems melted off. Tektites are found strewn about on the ground in widely separated "fields" around the world, the largest of which covers most of Australia. Many prospectors find tektites throughout Central Australia and the south part of Western Australia.

An Impactite is a terrestrial rock modified by the high stresses of pressure and temperature during a meteorite impact. It is generally the rocks present in the impact crater. It can also include brecciated rock materials, and shatter cones.

XRF Testing of Metallic Specimens
Some jewellers, and gold/jewellery buyers, use a portable/handheld X-Ray Fluorescence analyser (commonly called an “XRF gun”) to non-destructively test items - in order to determine their metallic composition. XRF guns can cost in the order of tens-of-thousands of dollars to buy.

Accordingly, suspected metallic meteorites can be tested by an XRF gun to quantify the percentages of metals present.
If you have a piece of metal that does attract a magnet, and you want to know if it is an iron-nickel meteorite - then you could try and obtain an XRF analysis for the elements of: Iron (Fe), Nickel (Ni), Cobalt (Co), Chromium (Cr), and Manganese (Mn).

Iron-nickel meteorites will typically contain about: 75 to 95% Fe, 5 to 25% Ni, 0.2 to 2% Co, and less than 0.05 % each of Cr and Mn. The nickel/cobalt ratio in meteoritic metal is usually in the 10 to 25 range. If the metal contains more than 0.05% Chromium or Manganese - then it is NOT a meteorite.

Recently, a customer visited our store to seek advice about some interesting metallic specimens he had detected in Queensland. The customer suspected they may have been iron-nickel meteorites. I was informed that the specimens were very heavy, and very-strongly attracted to a magnet. I was advised that subsequent XRF analysis results indicated the following composition: Fe 97.65%, Mn 1.2%, Ni 0.68% and Cr 0.56%. Based on the absence of Cobalt, and also the Manganese & Chromium contents both significantly exceeding 0.05% - these XRF results indicated that the subject tested specimen is NOT an iron-nickel meteorite.

What is a Widmanstätten pattern ?
The Widmanstätten pattern (also known as Thomson structures) is a distinctive formation of interweaving (cross-hatched) lines that appear in some Iron-Nickel meteorites when a cut & polished cross-section of such a metallic meteorite is etched with weak acid.

The methods used to reveal the Widmanstätten pattern in iron meteorites vary. Most commonly, the meteorite is firstly faceted or cut/sliced, then an exposed face is ground and polished, then cleaned, and etched with an acidic etchant (e.g. a mixture of 1-part Hydrochloric Acid, added to 2-parts Hydrogen Peroxide in a non-metallic container). Then the prepared specimen is washed, and dried.

Can I keep a meteorite I found in Australia ?
That depends on WHEN ?  HOW ?  and WHERE ? you found a meteorite in Australia.
Most of the States (and Territories) in Australia have laws (since from about the 1970’s/1980’s) which deem any meteorites found in those particular States to be the property of the Crown or State.

However, those laws do not apply to other specimens like Tektites (Australites) and Impactites – that are also often formed when a meteorite impacts the ground. Sometimes Tektites and Impactites are also found near an impact crater.

Queensland’s Fossicking laws prohibit the collection of meteorites in Queensland whilst fossicking.

However, it is my understanding that if a person was in Queensland or New South Wales, AND was lawfully permitted to be upon such land AND also permitted to remove any specimens found on such land, AND if by way of chance discovery (e.g. NOT fossicking in Queensland) found a suspected/unconfirmed specimen – then they would be able to take possession of such a specimen.

Can I lawfully sell a meteorite I found/acquired in Australia ?
If you lawfully found a meteorite in Australia, or lawfully acquired a meteorite within Australia – then you are lawfully permitted to sell the subject meteorite within Australia.

In 2021, an ABC News report was published online stating that in 2016 two men, who were reportedly fossicking for gold on Western Creek Station, near Georgetown in North Queensland, detected (using a Minelab pulse-induction metal detector) a meteorite weighing 24.3 kilograms. It was also reported that they sold this Iron-nickel meteorite to ‘Geoscience Australia’ for AU$200,000 (i.e. over AU$8 per gram).

Similarly, to the above 24.3kg meteorite being detected on Western Creek Station – in April 2016 I was informed by an Australian prospector that in early 2016 he was gold prospecting using a Minelab GPX 5000 detector on the eastern part of Western Creek Station (near Georgetown) where he detected a 9.6kg metallic specimen (a suspected Iron-Nickel meteorite) at a depth of about 0.4 metres.

The sale of a meteorite in Australia to an overseas buyer is prohibited without an official export permit pursuant to Commonwealth laws.

Recent Unusual Meteor Sighting in Australia
In May 2023 it was reported that a fireball lit up the sky in Queensland between Mackay and the Gulf of Carpentaria. NASA confirmed that this meteor was the LARGEST recorded over Australia in at least 30 years.

When it exploded, the meteor had an altitude of about 30 kilometres above Blackbull, a small rural locality between the Gulf communities of Normanton and Croydon, in north-west Queensland.

The data also revealed the meteor was travelling at a velocity of almost 30 kilometres per second. Scientists estimated that the meteor had a diameter of about 3.5 metres (of equivalent size to an average caravan) and weighed about 80 tonnes.

My further enquiries with NASA obtained additional data indicating that when the meteor was detected travelling from an altitude of 100km, down to 30km altitude, it was heading approximately Westwards (with an approximate bearing of 280 degrees), whilst falling at an angle of about 40 degrees.

Due to the blue and green colours of the meteor fireball observed, it is suspected by scientists that this meteorite was a metallic (Iron-nickel) meteorite.

Will fragments of this meteorite be found in Queensland ? - including perhaps by someone using a metal detector ?

NASA data also indicates that in recent years (since 2014), there have been several significant fireball events detected in North Queensland.

Where in Australia have meteorites been found ?
The following free on-line search database contains over 700 records of various types/sizes (and photos of) meteorites that were found in Australia over the past few centuries:

In recent years a few large meteorites have been detected on Western Creek Station in North Queensland by gold prospectors using Minelab detectors featuring pulse-induction technology.

Suitable Detectors & Coils for Meteorite Hunting
Meteorites containing sufficient quantities of iron/nickel (including the 'Stony-Irons' Meteorite Types) are detectable with a metal detector. Since metallic meteorite fragments are sometimes strewn about an impact crater, often for many kilometres away from the crater, then a suitable metal detector is a lightweight detector with a large coil – which is ideal for quicker ground coverage, and also greater depth capability.

Many meteorite hunters use a lightweight, Very Low Frequency (VLF) technology detector fitted with a 15-inch DD coil.

Recently released Minelab VLF detectors – which can operate using a variety of DD coils ranging in size from 6 inch diameter up to 15 inch diameter - include the X-TERRA PRO ($499), and Equinox 700 ($1,079), and Equinox 900 ($1,499).

Both Minelab, and Coiltek, manufacture a 15-inch diameter coil for these VLF detectors – priced at about $400 to $450.



Furthermore, in about early December 2023, Coiltek released a new BIGGER coil - the  Coiltek 18" NOX coil  ($470). It is a DD configuration coil of 18-inches (45cm) diameter - that is also compatible with the Minelab Equinox range of detectors, and also the Minelab X-TERRA PRO detector. This coil weighs nearly 1kg, is rated as waterproof to a depth of up to 5 metres, and carries a Coiltek Warranty for 2 years.


You don’t necessarily need a more expensive & heavier Pulse Induction (P.I.) technology metal detector to detect metallic meteorites. Other than a VLF detector, some meteorite hunters also use a lightweight, telescopic walking stick – fitted with a strong, rare-earth magnet attached near the end closest to the ground.

Tektites (which are of a glassy composition) are not detectable by a metal detector. Most are found by sight – often discovered washed down to low points (“sumps”) in the terrain (e.g. gullies or clay pans or salt lakes).

Many prospectors detect so-called “Hot Rocks” throughout Australia. Often many prospectors will simply discard such metallic specimens without further examination of them.

Mostly, such “Hot Rocks” are of terrestrial origin, and sometimes they can contain minerals such as gold. I have detected several hot rocks in W.A., and upon breaking them, I found they contained gold either in the form of a nugget, or a specimen, or concentrated gold mineralisation.

If such hot rocks are very heavy (e.g. like the weight of iron steel), and also highly magnetic, and also have smooth indentations (called “regmaglypts”) on the outer surface - then perhaps the specimen may be more than just a highly-mineralised, terrestrial hot rock ? ….. possibly a meteorite ?

Meteorites containing Gold ? ?
Over the decades, I have heard many explanations/theories (including from experienced geologists and prospectors) on how gold was formed on planet Earth. Most theories relate to terrestrial formation processes. In recent years, some scientists believe that gold was deposited upon earth by meteorites. A study published in 2011 suggested that:

"A massive meteor bombardment 3.9 billion years ago provided most of the gold and other precious metals found near the Earth's surface today"

Interestingly, a United States Geological Survey report published in 1968 stated that:

"The reported gold contents of meteorites range from 0.0003 to 8.74 parts per million. Gold is siderophilic, and the greatest amounts in meteorites are in the iron phases. Estimates of the gold content of the earth's crust are in the range of 0.001 to 0.006 parts per million."




Minelab Detector Options and Accessories for the Hearing Impaired

Minelab Detector Options and Accessories for the Hearing Impaired

Minelab Detector Options & Accessories for the Hearing Impaired


A hearing impairment alone should not prevent a person from effectively using a metal detector. Furthermore, digging up gold nuggets, or coins, or jewellery, or relics, certainly does not require hearing.

With tactile/vibrational feedback solutions now available, there is a range of options of new Minelab detectors for people with hearing impairment.

Recently released Minelab detectors - with the optional feature of  HANDLE VIBRATION  - include the  X-TERRA PRO  ($499), and  Equinox 700  ($1,079), and  Equinox 900  ($1,549), and  MANTICORE  ($2,349).



There is also the unique  Minelab SDC 2300  ($3,999) – a highly compact, robust, & waterproof detector, featuring extremely fast Pulse-Induction (PI) technology - that is especially suited for sub-gram gold nugget hunting on land and underwater – which features an LED display (above the handle) that provides a visual indication of target size & proximity. This detector has been very popular, particularly in Australia, for many good reasons.



‘LUCKY KNUCKLE’ Speaker/Target LED Light packs
The Target LED Light Pack allows you to change the audio from your detector to a visual indicator. This is ideal for those with hearing issues, or those who prefer quiet detecting. Features include:
•    Adjustable between light & sound
•    Sound On/Off switch
•    Light sunshade & diffuser
The 3 LED Light pack is suitable for the Minelab SDC 2300 and GPZ 7000 detectors.
The 2 LED Light pack is suitable for the Minelab SDC 2300, GPX 4500/5000, and GPZ 7000 detectors.


Gold-Tec Australia’ “have developed and designed hearing impairment aid device using the latest Audio/ Haptic Technology to help you with your partial or profound hearing loss.” …..
The QUAVAR-PI is design for persons with a hearing impairment, who are or desire to be Detectorists. The device offers tactile perception delivered by an haptic transducer to the operator. The detector does not require to be operated without audio. The QUAVAR-PI has the ability to discern between proper and false targets. For beginners this aid will make it easier in reducing false targets and having to do less digging.”


Bone Conduction Headsets

Another option to consider is the use of Bone Conduction Headphones, including an option of wireless connectivity via aptX Low Latency codec. Minelab detectors such as the X-Terra Pro, Equinox range, MANTICORE, and GPX 6000 are compatible with aptX Low Latency / Bluetooth headphones.

Bone conduction headphones use vibrations to transmit sound directly to your inner ear through the bones located in your upper cheek and jaw. Your cochlea, inner ear, does not realise that the sound is coming from the bones rather than the eardrum. Your brain processes the sounds vibrations in the same way as if they came via your ear-drum, meaning you can hear sound clearly.



Pin Pointers
There is also a range of waterproof, hand-held pin-pointers – that feature both vibrational & LED light functions, including:

Minelab PRO-FIND 35
Garrett Pro-Pointer AT
Garrett Pro-Pointer II
Nokta Pointer
Nokta PulseDive Pointer
Nokta PulseDive 2-in-1 Underwater Metal Detector



So please don’t let a hearing issue prevent you, or a family-member, or a friend, from pursuing a passion for metal detecting or prospecting.  You may be more than surprised at what you find !

Aussie-made Coiltek GOLDHAWK coils

Aussie-made Coiltek GOLDHAWK coils

Aussie-made  Coiltek  GOLDHAWK  coils

The Minelab GPX 6000 detector has now been available for nearly 2 years. Many prospectors throughout Australia have re-visited goldfields, including their “fav” patches, that they considered “flogged” and then unleashed the GPX 6000 over such areas to find even more gold, including at depth.

The popularity of the GPX 6000 is not only due to its high performance, but also because it is of relatively light weight (50% lighter than the Minelab GPZ 7000), and it is very easy to use - even for “newbie” detectorists, and budding “prospectors”. It also costs approximately 20% less (a few thousand dollars less) than the Minelab GPZ 7000.

Now, there are even more coil options available for the GPX 6000 detector. In fact, there are currently more coil options available for the GPX 6000 than for the GPZ 7000.

With Minelab’s approval, long-time Aussie coil-maker ‘COILTEK’ recently released a range of 3 different sized Monoloop (“Mono”) coils for the GPX 6000. These are named the ‘Goldhawk’ series of coils.

The Coiltek Goldhawk coils (very pale tan coloured) are rated as waterproof to 1-metre depth, have a 2-Year Warranty, and include the following sizes/weights:

9 inches round - cost $609  (weighs 700 grams)
10x5 inches - cost $579  (weighs 575 grams)
14x9 inches – cost $639  (weighs 900 grams)

Feedback so far, including from many gold hunters throughout Australia, has been impressive as to how stable (smooth & quiet) the coils run, and how sensitive they are to all sizes of gold nuggets, with great depth capabilities.

Many people also prefer the elliptical shaped coils, for not only ease of use in confined areas/less-open ground/more vegetated ground, but also for better pinpointing capability than a round coil.







One of the newest Minelab metal detectors is the MANTICORE – which was only recently released in early 2023.

The MANTICORE is the new big brother to the also-newly-released Equinox 900.

The MANTICORE is a high-performance metal detector featuring ‘MULTI-IQ PLUS’ Simultaneous Multi-Frequency technology. It also features an advanced two-dimensional target identification (ID) mapping system on the display screen (which is different to the ‘Target Trace’ mapping system on the now decade-old-plus Minelab CTX 3030 detector).

The different Audio Themes available, and also the range of adjustability of the Target Tones (in terms of Regions, Volume & Pitch) to create customised discrimination patterns is great, especially for targeting particular targets e.g. various coins.

It is very lightweight (nearly half of the weight of a CTX 3030) - due in part to the 3-piece carbon fibre shaft that collapses down to a very compact length of about only 2-feet (63cm). It is very comfortable to use due to the ergonomic handle and a super-quick-adjustable ‘Scorpion’ armrest.

It is waterproof to 5 metres, with an IP68 rating.

It also has 10 different/specific Search Modes for the three typical detecting locations of ‘ALL-TERRAIN’ and ‘BEACH’ and ‘GOLDFIELD’.

The All-Terrain High Conductors search mode is a high-powered search mode, and it provides a MULTI-IQ PLUS based mode that can achieve an operating frequency range from even lower than 4kHZ, and up to 40kHz.

The Pinpoint Mode is also very good for quickly narrowing down the location of a buried target – with the Pinpoint Bar visualisation on the display screen being very simple to understand (A separate pinpointer device can also be very handy at  times too).

Typical battery runtime varies from about 7hrs (set on All-Terrain High Conductors search mode) up to about 10hrs (set on other search modes such as All-Terrain General). Battery charging time is approximately 7hours. For extended trips away, where battery charging is difficult/unlikely, it is possible to run the MANTICORE (only in dry conditions) whilst plugged into a portable power bank (connected using the supplied USB charging cable). As an approximate guide, a fully-charged power bank of say, about 5000mAh capacity, can provide up to about an extra 8hrs of use (Caution: DO NOT run the detector underwater, or during rain, or in a wet/salty environment when connected to the power bank).

The MANTICORE kit includes a round 11” ‘Smart’ DD coil, and high-quality low-latency wireless (Bluetooth) headphones contained within a zippered storage case, type USB-A charging cable, and five spare screen protectors, and it costs AU$2,499.

Minelab also plan to release a larger coil - an elliptical 15x12” Smart DD coil (also waterproof to 5metres depth) for those seeking greater ground coverage, and also more detection depth (the release date & cost has not yet been released by Minelab).

The MANTICORE detector (similar to the CTX 3030 and the GPZ 7000 detectors) contains software that can be updated if/when Minelab releases such updates in the future.

After using both the Equinox 800 and 900 detectors (I was impressed by the capabilities of them both, including them each having a ‘GOLD’ search mode), I have subsequently used the MANTICORE in the bush (on mineralised ground littered with both ferrous & non-ferrous trash), and also on the beach in both wet and also dry sand. WOW!

Check out some of my finds (of coins & jewellery) after unleashing the MANTICORE for only several days.

Operation, and Maintenance Tips:
1.    Avoid handling the detector, and touching the screen, with chemicals or solvents, including sunscreen, insect repellents etc.

2.    When changing the Search Mode, or the Frequency setting, do a continuous auto noise cancel – that is, press & hold (“long push”) the auto noise cancel button until the noise cancel channel on the screen settles on a single value, and then release the button. Also use Tracking Ground Balance - as it continuously monitors the ground signal and adjusts the ground balance to ensure it is always set correctly. When ground balancing, pump the coil in an up-and-down vertical motion, and then sweep the coil horizontally and low from side-to-side – in order to obtain a better scan-read on a greater area of ground (This ground balancing technique also works well for the GPX 6000 and GPZ 7000 pulse-induction detectors).

3.    Regularly inspect the coil for any damage, and very carefully/gently remove the coil skid plate to clean out any dust and soil that may possibly congregate over time.

4.    Immediately after detecting at the beach or in saltwater, rinse all parts of the detector with fresh water. Avoid wiping the detector to remove sand as this may cause the sand to scratch the detector.

5.    After detecting in a dusty environment, you can use a soft bristle brush to gently clean the coil and detector.

6.    Ideally, fully charge the Lithium-ion battery after each day of use. If the detector battery is not used for extended periods, then ideally it should be fully charged at least every 3 to 4 months to maintain a high level of battery capacity and hence detector performance.

7.    If/when transporting a power bank and/or the USB charging cable for field trips – it is always best to store it in a waterproof & dust-proof bag (I use a plastic clip-seal bag, including when it is stored within my padded carry bag).


****************************************************************************************************************************************  MANTICORE  SOFTWARE  UPDATE   AVAILABLE

 As of mid-June 2023 Minelab released  a Software Upgrade for the MANTICORE detector.

What is new?

  1. Stabiliser Setting: A new Stabiliser feature has been added to All Terrain Search Modes, significantly enhancing useability in iron trash. It improves the overall stability of the audio and Target IDs at sites where iron falsing may be experienced, and adds nuance to better distinguish good targets from iron. Adjust from 0 to 12 and make false detections a thing of the past.
  2. Enhanced Goldfield Search Mode: Take advantage of greater sensitivity to small gold with the power of MANTICORE.
  3. Soft Key Shortcuts: Take charge of MANTICORE with soft key shortcut functions added to control Search Mode, Flashlight, Display Brightness, Sensitivity Boost, Clear ID Map, Speaker Mute, Recovery Speed, and Frequency.
  4. Customisable Ferrous Target ID: Make it personal by highlighting Ferrous Target IDs in red.
  5. Underwater Headphone Boost: Enhanced audio awaits with Underwater Boost to increase headphone volume when using Minelab Waterproof Accessory Headphones (sold separately).
  6. Language Customisation: Access the user interface in your choice of language from English, French, German, Czech, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Hindi.
  7. General Stability Enhancements: Including improvements to Beach Mode Ground balance on dry sand, Search Mode default settings, wireless audio connection stability improvements and more.
